Classroom & School Transformation
Arts Integration
Character Development
Character, Culture, & Climate
Meaning, Purpose, & Identity.....
Foundational Building Blocks, and Important Scaffolding
True fear is a gift. Unwarrented fear is a curse. Learn how to tell the difference.
Stephen Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Civic Character & History
Why Study History by Paul Gagnon,
-Instructional Unit by Thomas Panter
Civic Patriotism by Jefferson Cowie
Civic patriotism must also be an aspirational story of struggle and inclusion. The narcissistic and racist politics of right-wing nationalism must be challenged with an expansive and inclusive civic vision about hope and potential. It’s what Barack Obama spoke of at the 50th anniversary of the Selma march. Standing before the Edmund Pettus Bridge, he asked, “What greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals?”